Bill S’s 1971 Chevelle

Built From The Ground Up

Bill S’s 1971 Chevelle

Twenty-eight years ago, Bill was playing flag football with a friend. At the time, his aunt bought a 1971 Chevelle Malibu, kept it in the garage, and hardly drove it. Bill told him if she ever wants to sell it, to call him.

A couple of years later, Bill’s friend called. His aunt had passed away and he was given the car. He was selling it for $800. Bill gave him the $800 and the rest is history.

Over time, Bill has gone through the 1971 Chevelle Malibu, top to bottom. He’s a DIY guy, and does things right, buys USA made products from quality restoration suppliers such as

“The car is a Blue 49-year-old cream puff, with a 307 small block engine and Powerglide transmission. The car runs like new, gets a lot of people looking at it at local car shows. An onlooker said this “beautiful Malibu is eye candy.” This makes me proud to own this Chevy”

Bill S

Bill plans to add a new aluminum intake and 600 CFM carb to his 1971 Chevelle Malibu in the future.

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