Eric D’s 1970 Monte Carlo

Built From The Ground Up

Eric D’s 1970 Monte Carlo

The 1970 Monte Carlo has always been one of Eric D’s dream rides, and on Thanksgiving of 2018 this one became a project for him and his son to share.

As a strange coincidence, the seller was actually Eric’s Aunt’s husband’s nephew. This 1970 Monte Carlo was an ex-drag car without a driveline, essentially a blank slate for their project.

However, the pair had their work cut out for them. Their first winter with the Monte was spent rewiring much of the electrical system and gathering up old parts from around the barn to use on the project. Luckily, they had a 350 small block out of a ’93 Chevy pickup that would work just fine paired up to a TH350 transmission. The 4.56 gears were changed out to a more traditional 3.73 set for the rear end.

I’ve always been a big Monte Carlo fan and something about that ‘70s vibe and that vinyl top.


Work is far from complete on this father/son project. They plan to overhaul the suspension next, and once that’s been addressed the motor and transmission will be following.

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