Tools For LS Engines

LS Engines: Tools To Make Life Easier

If you’re looking at LS swapping a classic, there are a few new tricks you might need to learn. Fuel injection for starters, and just a general new engine that never came in a classic Chevy. Another aspect you might not think of is the tools that aren’t necessarily required, but make life easier when working on an LS Engine. 

Metric LS Tools

Right off the bat, LS engines are all metric. That means you’ll need a set of Standard and Metric wrenches, sockets, and tools to work on an LS Engine. However, those are pretty readily available in most home garages and aren’t much of an issue. It is something to consider though and be aware of. 

LS Tools

LS Camshaft Tools

Very rarely will a gearhead leave good enough alone. With an LS engine, there’s tons of power to be gained from simply swapping the camshaft out. Even if you just want to get that “choppy” idle, swapping a cam is necessary. 

When swapping a camshaft in a traditional SBC or BBC, it’s easy enough to pull the intake off and remove the lifters. In an LS engine, that requires removing the entire head, and buying new bolts as they are a stretch bolt. If you don’t want to do that, and most don’t,  you can get away with not removing the heads. 

The trick here is right before you remove the camshaft – after you’ve removed rockers, pushrods, and timing chain, you spin the cam by hand a few times to push the lifters up out of the way then slide the camshaft out. However if a lifter happens to slide back down you’re stuck with removing the heads. 

Luckily there are tools to prevent this from happening. Powerhouse tools makes these lifter retaining tools. You rotate the cam around a few times to push the lifters up, then slide these into the oil galley holes in the front of the block on both sides. This prevents the lifters from falling down into the engine while you swap the camshaft out. 

Timing Cover Alignment LS Tool

When you’re removing and reinstalling the timing chain cover, the seal around the crankshaft can become misaligned. If this happens, you’re going to have leaks. One way to help prevent this is a tool from Mr. Gasket, that takes up the space between the crank and the seal to ensure leak-free operation. 

There’s a version if you have the seal installed, and a version if you don’t have the seal installed. For the rear of the engine, they have the same tool for the rear main seal cover to ensure no leaks back there. 

Crankshaft Pulley LS Tools

Another tool you’ll need that one transfer over from your SBC or BBC is a three-jaw puller for the crankshaft pulley.  This pulley doesn’t have any holes to install a traditional puller but has notches for the three-jaw puller. Typically if you go to O’Reilly Auto Parts you rent one for a Chrysler and it works great. 

On the same token, you’ll need an LS specific installer. Do not beat the crankshaft pulley on, that will damage the pulley and can cause internal issues. There’s a large bolt that gets tightened down to help hold the press-fit pulley on; don’t use this to pull the pulley on either! The thread pitch is coarse on this bolt and it puts too much tension on it and you will strip the threads inside the crankshaft. 

The rest of the tools are typical metric tools. There are still some you’ll need such as a torque wrench, but overall these few tools will help make working on LS engines a bit easier. If you need any parts for your LS Swap, hop on or give our friendly techs a call at (203) 235-1200! 

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