What’s Needed: SS Gauges In 1970-72 Chevelle’s

Sweep To Sweet: What It Takes For Super Sport Gauges

When you’re building a 1970-1972 Chevelle and want to clone it into a Super Sport, there’s different gauges. These gauges are round, instead of the ‘sweep’ style on the non-SS cars. Even those who aren’t cloning an SS prefer these gauges; they look more sporty and give off more information than their counterpart. 

Stock Sweep Style Gauges

Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as buying the gauges and bezel. There’s much more to it, and it’s a bit more involved with it both physically, and monetarily. However, here at SS396.com, we have all the parts needed to make this process as easy as possible. 

What Comes In The SS Dash Kit

Super Sport Dash

This deluxe Chevelle SS dash conversion kit includes the dash carrier, dash lens, ashtray, glove box door, steering column cover, dash housing, steel backing panel, speedometer, tachometer, clock, temperature and fuel gauge, amp gauge, instrument sockets, printed circuit board, red brake light lens, correct dash harness with fuse box, and correct forward lamp harness or engine harness depending on year. You get it all with this kit!

Kit Contains:

This kit has everything you need to swap over to a stock Super Sport dash. Many take this opportunity to upgrade to different gauges, such as Dakota Digital. 

One major overlooked part when converting to the SS dash is the wiring. The wiring harness is different from sweep to round gauges. Can you make the traditional sweep wiring work? It is possible but requires removing some wires, adding some wires, and knowing exactly what you’re doing. Add in 70 years of wear, splices, and misuse, it doesn’t make much sense to reconfigure the old wiring. It’s best to start fresh with good clean wiring. 

Tips And Tricks

Hopping on YouTube can yield a ton of information regarding swapping over. Here’s a video explaining a few tips and tricks on how they converted their Chevelle to SS gauges:

Converting from your Malibu sweep-style dash to a Super Sport dash isn’t impossible. With our complete kit, you can convert everything over in a weekend or two! If you ever get stuck during your swap, you can always call our friendly tech line at (203) 235-1200!

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